Sing Your Heartbreak Away

Graphic designed by Ruby Lopez
With Valentine’s Day being around the corner, it is easy to feel lonely walking through campus, looking at happy couples holding hands, or your friends telling you about their latest “casi algo.” However, whether you just ended a relationship, are dealing with unrequited love, or simply feel alone, there is nothing music can’t fix.
Being Latines, we are blessed with some of the most beautiful love and heartbreak songs. One artist who seems to have a song for every occasion is Grammy-award-winning and Chilean-Mexican artist, Mon Laferte. Laferte is an artist whose devastating songs of longing and yearning will make you feel heard. You’d think she knows exactly what situation and emotions you’re going through. Having had the pleasure of seeing her live twice, I cannot describe a better experience than screaming these songs with her.
When you eventually create a new Spotify playlist to wallow in your sorrows, let me recommend five songs that won’t exactly cure your heartbreak but will help you feel better as you listen to lyrics
“Mejor que acabe aquí, mejor dejarte ir. / Si nos queremos tanto, ¿para qué sufrir?”
To start, I present to you a song about acceptance. The lyrics of this ballad describe a relationship that has run its due course. It’s a feeling that many find hard to accept, but as Laferte describes it, what is the point of staying together if you are hurting each other? Despite the harsh nature of the song, she shares an oddly comforting sentiment of still having a lifetime of experiences waiting for you after love: a life to explore, people to meet, and time to have spent. I hope this song helps you accept your breakup, end that longing, or help realize you still have time to find the one.
“De este amor que se me incrusta como bala / Que me ahorca y que me mata / Todo sería diferente si tú me quisieras.”
This is a song I always go back to. The lyrics describe an unrequited love that Laferte is trying to forget. While the song does refer to a failed, unrequited relationship, it personally reminds me of the crazy, obsessive crush that you can’t seem to get over no matter how hard you try.
“Déjame amarte, o por lo menos que lo intente / No es casualidad quererte, no es un accidente.”
This song talks about a platonic relationship that Laferte wishes to turn into a romantic one, a feeling I can relate to way more than I’d like to admit. She asks the other person to be honest and admit if they’ve had feelings for her so that they can be happy together. This one might not help you get over your unrequited love, but you’ll be able to pour your heart out too.
“Ay, estoy sintiendo que me muero / Si no estás aquí a mi lado / Me derrito en el pasado / Los recuerdo de tu amor.”
This ballad describes the desperation of a sinking relationship, feeling like you can’t live without them. Unlike the other songs on this list, this one doesn’t describe a specific relationship but rather the idea of missing one’s partner and longing to not feel lonely by filling in the voids with partners. Although the lyrics may not exactly describe this situation, I listen to it whenever I’ve felt I’ve been single for too long. It’s comforting to hear you’re not alone in longing for someone, even sometimes an ex-partner.
“Ven y cuéntame la verdad / Ten piedad / Y dime por qué, no, no no oh. / ¿Cómo fue que me dejaste de amar?”
Finally, I present to you Mon Laferte’s most popular song. This ballad is arguably one of the best songs to listen to after a gut wrenching heartbreak. Laferte heartbreakingly sings about missing a partner immensely, still loving them despite their separation. She begs her partner to explain why he stopped loving her after being in what she believed was a happy relationship. I hope you all really scream your hearts out to this one.
Whether you add these songs to your playlist or not, I hope you feel a little comforted by the relatability of her lyrics. If these songs didn’t reach you, Laferte has countless other devastating songs of heartbreak and even some for when you inevitably fall back in love again.