La Gente Newsmagazine, born from the Chicana/o movement, arose out of a need to represent the Latinx community and Latinx issues in UCLA and the greater Los Angeles area. We feature news and opinions that highlight our communities since 1971. We continue to provide the latest on art, culture, community, and university news and events relating to our communities.

For over 40 years in our print issue, we have been serving the Latinx community, including students, businesses, organizations, activists, educators, professionals, leaders, abuelitos, tias, tios, etc.

We offer great deals and low rates for our advertisers with special discounts for multi-issue contracts and UCLA campus organizations.

To learn more, please contact

Don’t like commitment? We have no problem with that. Be a contributor and submit articles, artwork, photographs, letters, opinions (really, anything you want), and we’ll consider it for publication!

For questions, feedback, and contributions, e-mail us at:

Where can I get a copy of issues?

You can pick one up from those beige news kiosks around campus, in your race/gender/social issues/ethnic studies class, at your group organization meeting, or by requesting from

What if I don’t attend UCLA and want a copy?

We distribute on-campus and we’re reaching beyond the UCLA campus.We have and continue to reach a potential audience of over 40,000 students, professors and faculty members, and community members. Plus–our website garners hundreds of hits per month. Oh yeah, we also mail out subscriptions to non-profit organizations and folks in the LA community. FREE OF CHARGE.


Where do we get all the money to publish the magazine and keep up the costs of running a publication? From the support of readers like you. We’re a non-profit publications (that means we don’t earn any money and we work for free). That’s right. All of our staff members volunteer their time, sweat, and tears so we can all be better informed and critical-thinking people. So we ask that if you enjoyed La Gente–and would like to see bigger, better things for the future–please consider a donation of any amount. Buy an advertisement – we have amazing rates. Contact us at To find out more information about how you can help.


LG is currently not accepting applications to join the team. If you are still interested in joining the team, consider applying Fall 2020! In the meantime, give our content a read and let us know what you think on social media: @lagentenewsmag on FB, IG, & Twitter!

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