Where I’m From

Photo provided by Maricruz Huerta

I come from a line of ancestors. 

I come from a transcension of lines, 

The same lines the colonizer trespassed.

Vengo de gente que no le intimide a cruzar las líneas

Vengo de raíces multiétnicas

Vengo del sudor y esfuerzo de mis antepasados. 

Generaciones de opresión, 

The burning sun melting their faces off

The dripping sweat burning their passionate eyes 

Bleeding feet walking through the waters

Heartbeats moving faster than they could walk

I come from people who had a sense of direction, 

Without any affection from the system. 

Rejection towards migration, 

¿Cómo puede ser? 

Si las mariposas y pájaros migran también 

How could such beauty be harmful?!




The imagination of a better nation 

In pursuit of a new destination 

Yet, there always seems to be discrimination. 

Where does it end? 

I mark the end. 

The end of my generational trauma 

I embrace my ancestors’ suffering, 

I honor their memory. 

Without them, I wouldn’t be where I am today.

I embrace my roots, for it is the roots that bring life. 

By taking care of my roots, I am able to grow and flourish 

I am able to create a garden for myself and my bloodline 

I am able to draw the line 

The line for what is tolerated and what is not 

The line for a new beginning, 

Turning “unbelonging” into belonging.