exclusively osito

A rose by any other name is not just as sweet, and I will tell you why Shakespeare is so wrong.

"That which we call a rose, by any other word would smell…

The Growing Power of the Latine Vote

 In the 2020 presidential election, Latines had some of…
illustration of labor protest with news headline

Increasing Visibility: The DNC’s Decision To Prioritize Unions

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) announced Wednesday morning that UCLA would no longer host the sixth Democratic debate. The debate was previously scheduled to occur in Royce Hall on December 19, 2019. 

AFSCME Labor Strikes: El Precio de la Pobreza–The Price of Poverty

Thousands of service workers across the University of California…

Remembering the Legacy of Chicano Historian Juan Gómez-Quiñonez

It’s the beginning of my Fall quarter in 2016 here at UCLA…

Xicanx Studies as Healing and Resistance

A rush of emotions swept over me as I sat in my Mexican-Americans…