Protest Brings Awareness to Budget Cuts
Graduate students, unions and faculty members protested against…
Protest Brings Awareness to Budget Cuts
Graduate students, unions and faculty members protested against…
UCLA Protest for Equal Education
Students walked out to protest against increasing fee hikes, budget cuts, equal quality education for all Students and no to furlough day for UC workers
IDEAS Aid Undocumented Students
IDEAS presented a workshop in January explaining the effects of the University of California’s 32% fee hike on undocumented students. High school students and other campus organizations as well as students from San Fernando Valley attended, uniting in an effort to help undocumented students pay tuition, attend college, and graduate with the possibility of continuing their education.
Highlights of Nov. 19 UC Protest
Over a two day period, UC students came to UCLA to protest at the UC Regents meeting which took place at Covel Commons.