!Raza!: The Latino Filmmaking Experience

  Decades of racist representation in cinema fostered…
Andrea Hernandez



Latino Student Finds Safe Space at UCLA

At home, Justin puts sexuality aside and convinces his family that he is heterosexual, but at UCLA he is most comfortable expressing himself and sharing a part of him that he has not been able to do at home.

The Struggle We All Share

The gay community is one founded on diversity. It is a segment of every community, whether it is a religious, national, or ethnic community. So why does the queer community often neglect other groups, like the Latino community.

You May Be Homosexual, But Are You Homotextual?

Digital communication provides another avenue to come out of the closet.

Latino LGBTQ groups seek to educate and advocate for the community

Honor Political Action Committee (PAC) and Honor Fund were…

My Story: Latina and Lesbian

This is no specific formula by which homosexuals live. This is my story, my account as a Latina who is a lesbian, a human being that has a specific gender in which I find a perfect but imperfect connection.