Latinos Coming Together for La Raza

April 16, 2014: A large number of members from the Latino Greek Council (LGC) attended the General Body meeting of MEChA de UCLA today in order to voice their concern regarding their underrepresentation in their Annual Raza Day. Raza Day is an opportunity for admitted Latinos to start to get involved and be aware of all of the organizations that exist at UCLA. In a way, it’s the start for the admits to approach their new familias.  “Raza Day is a welcome event held every year for newly admitted self identified Chicana(o)/ Latina(o) high school students.” (MEChA de UCLA)

A moist and heated room had a few members of MEChA and all members from the Latino Greek sororities and fraternities fanning away. The conversation was a constant miscommunication that reflects the current relationship that MEChA and LGC have had for the past years. After a passionate two-hour discussion on the similarities and differences regarding the principals in academic success for the Latino community that each organization has, there was a collective decision on starting crafting the logistics on the Raza Day work-party. Though there was no direct decision on whether or not Latino Greeks will be allowed to wear their letters during the MEChA event.

Only 13 members from MEChA will take a vote tonight whether or not there should an affiliation with LGC or not, of the countless students that were present in the meeting.

Both organizations essentially work for one purpose: the future of the Latino community that are today struggling to get into college. Although there are strong differences among each of the philosophies, there should be a conversation with all Latino organizations so there can be a solid Latino voice that UCLA deserves to have.

Every Wednesday’s at 7:00 p.m. the Movimiento Estudiantil Chican@ de Aztlán (MEChA) holds their general body meetings.

Latino Greek Council website:

MEChA de ucla FB:

RAZA DAY information:

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