Obama in L.A. to Urge Students to Vote

Awaiting the Commander-in-Chief

Over 30,000 students and community members were in attendance to see President Barrack Obama during his brief visit to Los Angeles on October 22.

Arriving at the University of Southern California via Marine One, Obama joined other elected Democrats in an effort to motivate the parties base for the upcoming November election.

Actor and comedian Jaime Foxx hosted the event while using his digital camera to capture the audiences reactions.

“Im going to put this in a movie,” said Foxx as he led the crowd in chants of “Yes We Can” and “Si Se Puede.”

Obama was introduced by Senator Barbara Boxer who is currently campaigning against former CEO of Hewlett-Packard Carly Fiorina for the Senatorial seat.

Gubernatorial candidate Jerry Brown also attended and spoke briefly about the future of California.

California Gubernatorial candidate Jerry Brown

“When I see the power of the sun, I know we don’t need either Saudi Arabian oil or Texas gas, we got California sun, and it can fuel the economy,” Brown said.

Brown, who is running against former eBay CEO republican candidate Meg Whitman, said “we don’t scapegoat anybody, not public workers, not immigrants, not anybody because were all Californians together.”

Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaragosa, and Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis were also part of the line-up of elected officials who urged students to vote.

Obama in L.A. to Urge Students to Vote

Awaiting the Commander-in-Chief

Over 30,000 students and community members were in attendance to see President Barrack Obama during his brief visit to Los Angeles on October 22.

Arriving at the University of Southern California via Marine One, Obama joined other elected Democrats in an effort to motivate the parties base for the upcoming November election.

Actor and comedian Jaime Foxx hosted the event while using his digital camera to capture the audiences reactions.

“Im going to put this in a movie,” said Foxx as he led the crowd in chants of “Yes We Can” and “Si Se Puede.”

Obama was introduced by Senator Barbara Boxer who is currently campaigning against former CEO of Hewlett-Packard Carly Fiorina for the Senatorial seat.

Gubernatorial candidate Jerry Brown also attended and spoke briefly about the future of California.

California Gubernatorial candidate Jerry Brown

“When I see the power of the sun, I know we don’t need either Saudi Arabian oil or Texas gas, we got California sun, and it can fuel the economy,” Brown said.

Brown, who is running against former eBay CEO republican candidate Meg Whitman, said “we don’t scapegoat anybody, not public workers, not immigrants, not anybody because were all Californians together.”

Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaragosa, and Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis were also part of the line-up of elected officials who urged students to vote.

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