
Manos Invisibles, Injusticia Visible

Traducido por Cris Avitia Camacho Tal como lo explica…

UC Workers and Students Unite

On Thursday, UC students will rally in support of the UC workers,…

How Far Would You Walk for Your Dreams? Undocumented Students Coming Out of the Shadows

On Jan. 1, 2010, four students began a 1,500 mile walk from Miami, Fla. to Washington D.C., dubbed the “Trail of Dreams.” Alluding to the tragedy of the “Trail of Tears,” in which Native Americans were forced to relocate across the country under the most dehumanizing of conditions, this march was dedicated to a more hopeful future.

IDEAS Aid Undocumented Students

IDEAS presented a workshop in January explaining the effects of the University of California’s 32% fee hike on undocumented students. High school students and other campus organizations as well as students from San Fernando Valley attended, uniting in an effort to help undocumented students pay tuition, attend college, and graduate with the possibility of continuing their education.