
Salvador City Hall Occupation
On Monday July 22nd the Movimento Passe Livre, who is fighting…

Festival Latino 2010
On April 3 the Latin American Student Association (LASA) held its twelfth annual Festival Latino, which took place on campus at UCLA’s Wilson Plaza. The strong winds did not stop LASA nor student volunteers from putting the festival together early that morning, and it certainly did not stop spectators from attending.

Jesuit Massacre Still Haunts Salvadorans After 20 Years
Twenty years ago, three colleagues and I were the first reporters on the scene of the murders here of six Jesuit priests, their cook and her daughter, a turning point in the civil war that cost 75,000 other Salvadoran lives. As gatherings the world over commemorate the special anniversary, I remember details of that morning I do not want to forget.

Reconnecting Broken Links
Family Tracing Services is provided by the Red Cross free of charge to anybody in the U.S. looking for a close relative in another country.