
More Arizona Immigrants to Consider ‘Self-Deportation’
The news that 90 days after the end of the legislative session, a law will criminalize undocumented immigrants in Arizona -- and give the police the power to investigate their legal status based solely on the way they look.

Indigenous Not Participating in Census
NEW YORK -- The U.S. Census Bureau launched a massive campaign to encourage New York Latinos to send in their census forms, but apparently made no effort to include residents of Mexico's indigenous populations, according to community activists.

New Anti-Immigrant Law Focuses on School
Conservative Arizona legislators want to make school districts collect data on the immigration status of students, according to a report in La Voz.

New Bill May Save Undocumented Students from Deportation
On March 15, 2009, Alonso Chehade, an undocumented immigrant from Peru, was arrested at the US/Canada border for unlawful presence in the United States. After remaining in the detention center for two weeks, Chehade was later released with the assistance of his family, who posted a $7,500 bond to free him from prison.

Mexican Americans Most Active in U.S.
Mexican Americans are the most likely to meet national health goals for physical activity, according to a new study that challenges previous research that found that whites tended to be the most physically active.

DREAMers: Taking the Reins of their Cause
WASHINGTON, D.C. - One group that has changed dramatically since past immigration battles - with help from the growing influence of social networking - are the so-called “DREAMers”: undocumented youth who would benefit from the proposed DREAM Act. The act would form part of a plan for comprehensive immigration reform, and has also been proposed as an independent bill.