
Kelloggs Serves a Bowl of Racial Justice
In May, the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, founded in 1930 by the breakfast cereal trailblazer, announced that it is dedicating $75 million to organizations nation-wide devoted to righting the effects of racial inequalities on poor children.

More Arizona Immigrants to Consider ‘Self-Deportation’
The news that 90 days after the end of the legislative session, a law will criminalize undocumented immigrants in Arizona -- and give the police the power to investigate their legal status based solely on the way they look.

New Bill May Save Undocumented Students from Deportation
On March 15, 2009, Alonso Chehade, an undocumented immigrant from Peru, was arrested at the US/Canada border for unlawful presence in the United States. After remaining in the detention center for two weeks, Chehade was later released with the assistance of his family, who posted a $7,500 bond to free him from prison.

Mixed Review for L.A. Gang Tours
Former gang-members have teamed up with a non-profit outreach organization to offer a look at the inner city by conducting gang tours in South Central Los Angeles.

The Value of Education: Crisis in the Budget
The quarter has been bittersweet for José, the AB 540 freshman. Although attending his dream school, he finds himself in a world of financial insecurity. Like thousands across California, he knows that the UC Regents meeting on Nov. 18-19 will impact his future. If the Regents raise fees yet again, this time by 32%, his dream of becoming a doctor will prove more difficult.

Rallying for Education
The two day protest at the University of California Regents (UC Regents) meeting demonstrated a state-wide solidarity against fee hikes in California’s universities. Zealous students and staff stood together outside Covel Commons holding signs with expressions such as “Bail Out Education” and “Regents: Happy Thanks-Taking.”