In-Flight Fight: US air marshals hit turbulence in Brazil
Two US air marshals were detained in Brazil on Oct. 1 after trying…

ILLEGAL: How this anti-immigrant term contaminates public perception of undocumented immigrants
How this anti-immigrant term contaminates public perception of undocumented immigrants

Proof of Citizenship No Longer a Voting Req in AZ: New ruling overturns 2004 law
Arizona’s citizens are no longer required to prove US citizenship…

Latino LGBTQ groups seek to educate and advocate for the community
Honor Political Action Committee (PAC) and Honor Fund were…

October: DON’T VOTE…for de Posada!
Nevada Senate hopeful urges Latinos not to vote, then does so himself.

Pro-Immigration Group battles Tea Party Hopeful, Sharron Angle
In an attempt to dissuade Nevada voters from electing Republican…