local insights

11 Great Quotes by Octavio Paz

Octavio Paz (1914 - 1998) was a Mexican poet, writer, and…

STEM and Higher Education Outreach for Latin@ and Native American Students

On Saturday, October 10th, the UCLA organization SACNAS (Society…

Colorism in the Latinx Community

I remember in middle school everyone started forming their cliques.…

Scapegoated, Again: Immigrant Communities & The Need For Community Trust Policies

The only sanctuary that an undocumented member of our society…

Chicas Rockeras Sur Este: Taco Core + Mujer Empowerment

This past week was the first Chicas Rockeras Sur Este Los Angeles…

Chicano Batman at Santa Monica Pier

Every year, the Santa Monica Pier hosts their Twilight Concert…

Hole in the Wall: The Honey Tones

The rain quickly falls on them as they run up the Kerckhoff steps.…

Raza Grad 73’ till Infinity

June 1st, 1973: As thousands of UCLA graduating students sat…

Upcoming Events Celebrating Selena

She will always be etched into the fabric of our culture, even…