Posts’s Winter 2010 Poetry Contest
Thanks for your submissions!!
Check out the winners in our upcoming Winter 2010 issue of La Gente; they'll be posted online once the newsmag hits the stands.

The End of Public Education
Early last summer, Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) proposed the Public School Choice plan which will relinquish LAUSD administrative and financial control of over 200 schools. Superintendent Ramon C. Cortines released a statement on Jan. 15 in which he stressed that LAUSD is "encouraging input from all community members who support [their] public schools including parents, guardians, students, teachers and other LAUSD employees."

In Response to the UC Fee Increase
From his cell, Ibarra recognizes the UC Regents poor choices and California's misaligned priorities in spending, encouraging us to continue taking action against legislators with our power as a voting block. His letter demonstrates a reaction sought by students involved in the protest against UC fee hikes.

Rallying for Education
The two day protest at the University of California Regents (UC Regents) meeting demonstrated a state-wide solidarity against fee hikes in California’s universities. Zealous students and staff stood together outside Covel Commons holding signs with expressions such as “Bail Out Education” and “Regents: Happy Thanks-Taking.”

First Day of UC Protest against Fees Increase
Students from all of the University of California system, came together to protest the tuition hikes and fee increase The UC Regents passed Nov. 19. The footage was filmed Nov. 18, before the decision was made and showcases the willpower of the students.

Organizing to Keep a UC System
The University of California is proposing fee increases of 32 percent, enrollment cuts for in-state students, layoffs, furloughs and increased class sizes.

Mariachi and More: Mariachi Uclatán
The legacy of Mariachi Uclatlán is deeply rooted in the cultural history of UCLA and is currently under the artistic direction of Jesus “Chuy” Guzman, Grammy-Award winning artistic director of the renowned Mariachi Los Camperos de Nati Cano.

El Vuh
El Vuh, comprised of Victor E, E-rise, and Zero, is an independent hip-hop group based in Los Angeles, California. Their sophomore release, "Elvuhlution," brings illuminating rhymes based on the philosophy of the Mexica and Maya people prior the Conquest.