My takeaway from The Great Wall of L.A. tour: Ethnic Studies now!

The Great Wall of Los Angeles is a half-mile mural in the Tujunga…

Yuri’s Records Hold Intimate Summer Show

On August 31st, Yuri’s Records hosted its annual chalk contest…

Dancing Beneath the Stars

/ As…

Chicano Batman at the Getty

It’s been a month and I can still hear Bardo’s Yamaha YC-30…

UCLA’s 29th Annual Pow Wow

Last weekend, the American Indian Student Association (AISA)…

La Raza Meets Up at Coachella 2014

The Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival is synonymous with…

My Sunday with Frida

When I was a little girl, my abuelita would show me paintings…

LASA’s 16th annual Festival Latino is calling for artists!

Festival Latino is an annual event that the Latin American Student…

A seminar with Dr. Noam Chomsky, “Father of Modern Linguistics”

On Friday, March 14th at UCLA’s Neuroscience Research Building…

Vagina Monologues 2014

If your vagina could talk, what would it say? If it could dress,…