
The L.A. community mobilizes against Monsanto
On May 24th Los Angeles residents marched against Monsanto, a…

Brown Berets visit UCLA
Professor Milo Alvarez moderated a discussion that revolved around…

Latinos Coming Together for La Raza
April 16, 2014: A large number of members from the Latino Greek…

La Gente gets “wacky” at Festival Latino
Saturday April 5th UCLA's Latin American Student Association…

LASA’s 16th annual Festival Latino is calling for artists!
Festival Latino is an annual event that the Latin American Student…

A seminar with Dr. Noam Chomsky, “Father of Modern Linguistics”
On Friday, March 14th at UCLA’s Neuroscience Research Building…

Struggling to Win: Chilean student panel speaks to UCLA students
Three Chilean activists came to UCLA to share their experience…

Gentistas share experiences with microaggressions
Microaggressions: brief verbal, behavioral, or environmental…

“Ghost Rapes” haunt colony in Bolivia
In 2009 nine men were convicted for raping more than 100 women…