
Film Review: A Better Life
Bichir’s performance is a beating heart in itself, and is the key to making the other characters sympathetic, rather than simply focusing on the political message.

Question 9
I was home for the weekend, eating dinner in the kitchen and talking to my mom about my week at school. It was last month, when the government made every effort to urge people to fill out the 2010 Census. So after seeing one of those TV census commercials, my mom told me she filled out every question of the famous survey.

Indigenous Not Participating in Census
NEW YORK -- The U.S. Census Bureau launched a massive campaign to encourage New York Latinos to send in their census forms, but apparently made no effort to include residents of Mexico's indigenous populations, according to community activists.

New Anti-Immigrant Law Focuses on School
Conservative Arizona legislators want to make school districts collect data on the immigration status of students, according to a report in La Voz.

Uranium in the Mix: Friction between the U.S. and Iran
Iran's president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has indicated his country may be ready to ship uranium abroad for enrichment, an action in line with a U.N.-backed proposal. Why now? The offer has been on the table since October of last year, but it seemed the leaders of Iran would never agree. For months, Iranian officials have criticized the plan proposed by the U.S., Russia, China, Britain, France and Germany last year advising Iran to send out the bulk of its low-enriched uranium to be processed and returned as nuclear fuel to power its reactor. However, conservatives in Iran were bitterly disappointed with the president bid to quickly make concession to the West.

The Value of Education: Crisis in the Budget
The quarter has been bittersweet for José, the AB 540 freshman. Although attending his dream school, he finds himself in a world of financial insecurity. Like thousands across California, he knows that the UC Regents meeting on Nov. 18-19 will impact his future. If the Regents raise fees yet again, this time by 32%, his dream of becoming a doctor will prove more difficult.

Obama Takes Step Backward on Cuba
The Obama administration took a step backward on U.S. relations with Cuba when it included it on a terrorist list. We urge the administration to reconsider this decision.

Jesuit Massacre Still Haunts Salvadorans After 20 Years
Twenty years ago, three colleagues and I were the first reporters on the scene of the murders here of six Jesuit priests, their cook and her daughter, a turning point in the civil war that cost 75,000 other Salvadoran lives. As gatherings the world over commemorate the special anniversary, I remember details of that morning I do not want to forget.