local insights

Yo, Affirmative Action Bake Sale! How much for a mutt like me?

Above is a price list for a recent Affirmative Action Bake sale.…

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La Gente's Free Your Mind project is aimed at incarcerated Latinos…

Non-profit theater group inspires hearing-impaired children

Michelle Christie and Samantha Dudley As a deaf Latina I grew…

Unpaid internships hurt low-income students

In an economy where jobs are scarce, it’s almost a requirement…

Despite Chavez Ravine injustices, Latinos connect with Los Doyers

Dodger Stadium in Chavez Ravine (Photo by The City Project) For…

Reflections on Sonia Sotomayor and Latina/o Role Models

“When a young person, even a gifted one, grows up without proximate…

The lucha libre culture that is Latino mental health

Editor's Note: The Latina students asked us not to use their…

Support for hunger strikers at Corcoran prison

Saturday July 13th I was at Corcoran State Prison, participating…

“We are all Trayvon”

It’s my senior year of high school and I remember how cold…

Through Deaf Ears

Samantha Dudley's Bone Conduction hearing aid circa 1993.  Imagine…