local insights

Peruvian Women, Victims of Forced Sterilization

Government sterilization program targets rural areas.

Reviving Ancient Food Staples

Ancient crops native to Mayan and Aztec regions are undergoing recovery in 19 Latin American genebanks in order to protect crop diversity and ensure food security.

Closure of Covel Peer Learning Labs Announced

On March 7, Assistant Vice Provost for Undergraduate Academic Support, announcing the closure of Covel Peer Learning Labs effective June 10.

Closure of Covel Peer Learning Labs Announced

On March 7, Assistant Vice Provost for Undergraduate Academic Support, announcing the closure of Covel Peer Learning Labs effective June 10.

SB 1070 Casts Shadow on Arizona’s New Anti-Immigrant Bills

The economic shadow cast by one of Arizona’s toughest anti-immigrant laws was crucial in the defeat of five new measures aimed at undocumented immigrants.

Long-Awaited Incan Artifacts Welcomed Home

Artifacts from an Incan civilization are being returned to Peru after almost a century of American possession

Remodeled and Improved: 6-8pm CSRC Re-opening

Tuesday, March 8 6-8pm, the Chicano Studies Research Center will be hosting a welcome event in honor of their renovation.

Scrubbing Out Car Wash Industry Dirt

Student shares learning experiences from working with car wash workers.

Scrubbing Out Car Wash Industry Dirt

Student shares learning experiences from working with car wash workers.

January: UC Regents

Regents don't know how to take one for the UC. As their compensation continues to rise, so do student fees.