
Letter from Within

A prisoner’s take on Obama’s Historic Election

Latina Leader Makes Educational Headway within the UC System

Former Admissions office student worker retraces her steps on the educational ladder

Prosperity Needed in California

A program that benefit both the undocumented population and the state’s economy

“Perfect Participation”

Latina student weighs the importance of voting

Latino Student Finds Safe Space at UCLA

At home, Justin puts sexuality aside and convinces his family that he is heterosexual, but at UCLA he is most comfortable expressing himself and sharing a part of him that he has not been able to do at home.

The Struggle We All Share

The gay community is one founded on diversity. It is a segment of every community, whether it is a religious, national, or ethnic community. So why does the queer community often neglect other groups, like the Latino community.

Political Apathy vs. Political Awareness

Who was going to vote for which candidate and why? But instead of answers in favor of the Democratic or Republican candidate, I received a lot of shrugs and head shakes accompanied with “I don’t know” and “I don’t plan on voting.”

“Undocumented. Unafraid. And Now Undercover.”

Challenging the Immigration System from the Inside

From the Incan Empire to UCLA: Preserving Quechua

Quechua, or Kichwa, a language that seemed to be on the path to oblivion, is now emerging among UCLA students.

Corporate Funded Video Voices Mexican People’s Political Disaffection

Now in Mexico, the insurance company Grupo Nacional Provincial (GNP) took the initiative of empowering Mexican citizens to demand change through a short video.