
San Diego Mobilizes in Solidarity with Palestine
San Diego is known for being a more pacific and less hectic region…

Festival Latino 2010
On April 3 the Latin American Student Association (LASA) held its twelfth annual Festival Latino, which took place on campus at UCLA’s Wilson Plaza. The strong winds did not stop LASA nor student volunteers from putting the festival together early that morning, and it certainly did not stop spectators from attending.

Money Woes for Homeboys
A previously LA Gente-featured organization, Homeboy Industries, has also been reeling to stay afloat amidst extreme financial hardships.

Kelloggs Serves a Bowl of Racial Justice
In May, the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, founded in 1930 by the breakfast cereal trailblazer, announced that it is dedicating $75 million to organizations nation-wide devoted to righting the effects of racial inequalities on poor children.

How Far Would You Walk for Your Dreams? Undocumented Students Coming Out of the Shadows
On Jan. 1, 2010, four students began a 1,500 mile walk from Miami, Fla. to Washington D.C., dubbed the “Trail of Dreams.” Alluding to the tragedy of the “Trail of Tears,” in which Native Americans were forced to relocate across the country under the most dehumanizing of conditions, this march was dedicated to a more hopeful future.

Indigenous Not Participating in Census
NEW YORK -- The U.S. Census Bureau launched a massive campaign to encourage New York Latinos to send in their census forms, but apparently made no effort to include residents of Mexico's indigenous populations, according to community activists.

Highlights of the UCLA’s Protest on the Recent Racial Incidents on UC Campuses
The recent incidents at the universities were: swastika sign in UC Davis, vandalizated LGBT center in UC Davis, “Compton Cookout” Fraternity Party in UC San Diego, noose founded in Library in UC San Diego, replicated noose with graffiti founded in UC Santa Cruz, “Tijuana Sunrise” and “ZBTahiti” fraternities party at UC Los Angeles.

El Robo: In Memory of My Mexican Mother
Carmen Mejia was the prettiest girl in her rancho, Sajo Grande. Only 13 years old and the little girl with the sparkling, green eyes already had a boyfriend, an admirer and a stalker.

Mixed Review for L.A. Gang Tours
Former gang-members have teamed up with a non-profit outreach organization to offer a look at the inner city by conducting gang tours in South Central Los Angeles.

The Value of Education: Crisis in the Budget
The quarter has been bittersweet for José, the AB 540 freshman. Although attending his dream school, he finds himself in a world of financial insecurity. Like thousands across California, he knows that the UC Regents meeting on Nov. 18-19 will impact his future. If the Regents raise fees yet again, this time by 32%, his dream of becoming a doctor will prove more difficult.