Winter 2011 Photo Contest: Hidden Treasures

Who can enter?
Everyone is welcome.
Why should I enter?
If you are selected as one of the top entries, your photo will be published in Winter 2011 print issue and
What do I enter?
An original photo relevant to the contest theme: hidden treasures. Must also include the following: photographer’s first and last name, age, occupation, address (will not be published, used only to contact prize winners), and a 100 word description of the entry to be published alongside photo.
How do I enter?
Submit your photo to 118 Kerckhoff Hall, 308 Westwood Plaza, Los Angeles, CA 90024 or [email protected] by Monday, Feb. 14, 2011 by 5pm Pacific Time.
*Limit, one entry per person*

Some inspiration from Spring 2010:

Photo By Monique Mendez

Monique Mendez

What had been going through my mind at the time was the negotiation of identity as both a Latina and as someone who was raised in the States. I, like many Latin@s, am constantly reflecting on my identity. The flag is projected simultaneously behind and on top of my body. I think identity functions in a similar way because our present understanding of ourselves cannot be divided from our ethnic backgrounds and histories.

Photo by Mary Beltran

Mary Beltrán

I was driving around South Central Los Angeles photographing murals in the area because I’ve been doing research on murals, community processes, education, and Latinos. I snapped this picture during that day-long mural search. It is urban with its meat market and the street reflects the Latino community with the Spanish language and Catholic-inspired mural with La Virgen de Guadeloupe as a icon.

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