local insights

Diversify Our Narrative: Social Activism in the Digital Age

When I was in the tenth grade, my Honors English teacher…
illustration of t-shirt in closet

Altering the Standard

In a capitalist society, companies adopt differing values to distinguish and establish themselves within niche communities. The fashion industry is no exception—leading some companies to prioritize uniqueness, quality, and net profit. 
title image of Nuextroscolores and Vintage.Inspired

Brought To You by Small Business

Proudly representing their culture and identity while excelling at contributing billions to the US economy, small Latinx-owned businesses are booming.
illustration of Raini Rodriguez and "Rosa" (aka Adam Martinez)

The Evolution of Memes

As Latinxs, there are many stereotypes and generalizations…
illustration of boy sitting at desk with image of Royce Hall in a dream bubble


In the affluent Westwood, Los Angeles, I find myself surrounded…
digital illustration of Whole Foods, Trader Joe's, and Taco Bell with the question Who Has Access? on top

The US and the Growing Food Gap

The food gap between the rich and the poor in American society is growing and there doesn’t seem to be an end in sight.
image of Koreatown street

Koreatown: and the Impact of Cultural Displacement

Two years ago, I visited the newly opened, hip and fresh vegan burger joint, located just a few streets from my childhood apartment. As I entered, the environment was lively and welcoming.
image of young children covering their mouths as they flee from oil being spilled on them from plane

How Communities of Color are Affected by Environmental Injustice

On January 15, 2020, Delta Air Lines pilots dumped airplane fuel over Cudahy, an area of Southeast Los Angeles that is home to the sixth largest Latinx population in LA County, and landed across six schools.
illustration of young girl facing laughter

Se te hizo chistoso cuando….

Una riza debe de consolar el alma de todo lo malo en la vida.…