Prosperity Needed in California
A program that benefit both the undocumented population and the state’s economy
Latino Student Finds Safe Space at UCLA
At home, Justin puts sexuality aside and convinces his family that he is heterosexual, but at UCLA he is most comfortable expressing himself and sharing a part of him that he has not been able to do at home.
The Struggle We All Share
The gay community is one founded on diversity. It is a segment of every community, whether it is a religious, national, or ethnic community. So why does the queer community often neglect other groups, like the Latino community.
Political Apathy vs. Political Awareness
Who was going to vote for which candidate and why? But instead of answers in favor of the Democratic or Republican candidate, I received a lot of shrugs and head shakes accompanied with “I don’t know” and “I don’t plan on voting.”
“Undocumented. Unafraid. And Now Undercover.”
Challenging the Immigration System from the Inside
Views of a Conservative Latino
Firmly believing that direct democracy and self-determination for the Latino community will never come with either major American political party, Eusebio Preciado has been a devoted Ron Paul supporter.
Annual March for Workers’ Rights Generates Solidarity
On this day, we were able to speak out together about a plethora of issues that included workers’ rights, queer rights, education reform, and immigrants’ rights.
Out of the Shadows and Into the Light
There are no second glances, and are no second thoughts about the gardeners and the many women of color waiting for the bus. But, they are the subjects for local artist Ramiro Gomez.
UCLA Community Comes Together in SAC
The Students Activities Center (SAC) is located at the bottom of Jans steps in Wilson Plaza. For students, it serves an oasis from the monotonous lectures. Inside SAC, you can find Olga Lopez working from 5 pm until 2 am on a regular basis.